Sunday, January 29, 2006



Love these cards! (Spanish only folks, sorry.)

PSPortal by Mercenary

PSPortal by Mercenary

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Thermite burning a hole in a car - Google Video

Thermite burning a hole in a car - Google Video

The Socratic Method

The Socratic Method:

"The following is a transcript of a teaching experiment, using the Socratic method, with a regular third grade class in a suburban elementary school. I present my perspective and views on the session, and on the Socratic method as a teaching tool, following the transcript."

Longest Page on the Internet - BlueSfear Worm

Longest Page on the Internet - BlueSfear Worm

This is pretty cool... it's not a worm of the virus variety, it's a worm of the really-long variety, made up of images from different artists. I wish I could get the whole thing to download.. it is pretty cool, especially how they merge into one another. Pretty sweet.

Unique Baby Names! Popular Baby Names! Unusual Baby Names!

Unique Baby Names! Popular Baby Names! Unusual Baby Names!

Nice little spot for names, in case you need a new one for Guild Wars or some other lesser MMORPG... ^_^

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Battlefield Double Dash - Google Video

Battlefield Double Dash - Google Video

What happens if you try to play Mario Kart with the Battlefield 2 engine?

Mensa Fun Test

Mensa Fun Test



Monday, January 16, 2006

Orgasmica on line

Orgasmica on line

On-line Orgasmic Simulation.

How does the other sex experience pleasure

You've always wondered how the other sex experiences an orgasm... Do you want to see the difference? Then try this Orgasmic Simulation:

Lowbright - The 10 Commandments of Simon

Lowbright - The 10 Commandments of Simon

Wow.... this comic, for some reason, really reminds me of a friend I used to have....

Henry, this one's for you.

Evolved Freelancer RPG Server Home Page

Evolved Freelancer RPG Server Home Page


Saturday, January 14, 2006

OverClocked ReMix - Unofficial Game Music Arrangement Community

OverClocked ReMix - Unofficial Game Music Arrangement Community: "OverClocked ReMix is a website dedicated to reviving the video and computer game music of yesterday, and reinterpreting that of today, with new technology & capabilities. This site's mission is to prove that this music is not disposable or merely just background, but is as intricate, innovative, and lasting as any other form."

Isla Fisher - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Isla Fisher - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even greater babe from the afore-mentioned movie. *drool*

Rachel McAdams - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rachel McAdams - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Great babe from the afore-mentioned great movie.

Wedding Crashers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wedding Crashers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Great movie. Must watch. Now.

Battlefield 40k

Battlefield 40k

A Battlefield 2 mod to bring it into the world of Warhammer 40k...

I think I will now buy Battlefield 2... ^_^

Friday, January 13, 2006

That's a pervert

'nuff said.

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Taiwan breeds green-glowing pigs

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Taiwan breeds green-glowing pigs

Things are getting scary now....

Thursday, January 12, 2006

the Cherryblossom Garden -HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR Song Lyrics Page 2

the Cherryblossom Garden -HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR Song Lyrics Page 2

Parkour - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Parkour - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Orphans of Chaos (Tor Fantasy): Books: John C. Wright Orphans of Chaos (Tor Fantasy): Books: John C. Wright:

Very good book. Just finished reading it. I recommend it to anyone who likes mythology, the Mage series by White Wolf, and fantasy in general.

"In the first installment of the Chronicles of Chaos series, common associations of high school with prison prove spectacularly well founded. The five teen protagonists are hostages in a British boarding school run by pagan gods. Sustaining themes of lost identity from Wright's respected Golden Age trilogy and heavily borrowing from the work of Roger Zelazny, the narrative charts the teens' discovery of their true identities--they're shape-shifters who hail from Chaos--then pits their budding powers against school authorities who have proceeded from acting in loco parentis to being ominous and occasionally lascivious oppressors. Phaethusa, who goes by Amelia after her aviatrix role model, narrates the rich and frequently comic intrigue, which takes full advantage of the alluring juxtapositions that arise when the soul of a 'montrosity from beyond the edge of space and time' is trapped in a nubile teen's heaving breast. Mythological references and discursions on the nature of reality may prove substantial barriers for some; Wright's growing fandom will revel in his overlapping frames of reference."

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Resurrection - Primary Species

Resurrection - Primary Species

Another interesting read...

Ragged Trousered Philosopher

Ragged Trousered Philosopher:

Talking to God...

A very interesting read. Trust me.

WGN Weather Weblog: Tossed Water Freezing in Mid Air

WGN Weather Weblog: Tossed Water Freezing in Mid Air

I wish I could try this...

5 Ways to Use the Terminal in OS X, from Useful to Just Fun

5 Ways to Use the Terminal in OS X, from Useful to Just Fun:

The article is about things you can do on a terminal from Mac OS X, but this one works on Windoze too, and it's so cool I had to put it here.

"ASCII art has been with us as long as we've been using computers, and there's a lot of great ASCII animation out there. How about watching the original Star Wars in ASCII animation?

A telnet server out there on the Internet serves up this amazing adaptation. Just enter telnet and hit return. You'll then be treated to a new twist on a familiar tale.

The last time I watched this, it wasn't complete, although it mentioned that scenes will be added in the future. I'm not sure how complete it is right now, but I hope to find the time to watch it again sometime soon.

If you'd like to quit before the end, you can type control-] to get to the telnet prompt. At the prompt, type quit and press return."

Stream music from your PC to your PSP - PSP Fanboy

Stream music from your PC to your PSP - PSP Fanboy

This is interesting...

Max Master Nudes (Start)

Max Master Nudes (Start)

Very good site with some very artistic nudes. (Definitely not PG-13, kids)

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Random Chuck Norris Fact

Random Chuck Norris Fact:

"Chuck Norris, Vin Diesel and Arnold Schwarzenegger have all died and are in Heaven. Each of them hope to occupy the seat next to God. God asks Vin Diesel why he thinks he should have the seat and Vin replies, 'I believe... I should have the seat because of the virtuosity in my toughness and pride.' Arnie says, 'I believe... that I should be the one sitting next to you because of all my achievements.' God then turns to Chuck Norris, who replies with, 'I believe... you are sitting in my seat.'"

Random Chuck Norris Fact: Top Thirty Facts

Random Chuck Norris Fact: Top Thirty Facts

Read this. You *must* read this....

Monday, January 09, 2006

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Pentagon Strike

Pentagon Strike

Very interesting watch. Really tests your beliefs of what really occurred.

Saturday, January 07, 2006


Little image I wanted to show everyone. Dunno who made it, but it shows just how skewed can human perspective here.

BTW, I am in favor of the image. I think it's right. And I think it shows what we base our primary belief system in in a way that very few other images do.


Today I have determined that loneliness is not dependant on the lack of others for you to feel that way. In fact, right now I stand surrounded by many other people, yet I feel alone in their midsts.
Have you ever been at someplace
Recognizing everybody's face
Until you realized that there was no one there you knew
Things are very bad, at least internally. Things are dull. Time seems to pass me by, an observer in my own life. Things and people seem to exists in a different plane as me, everything seemingly within arms reach, yet feeling distant...
Have you ever buried your face in your hands
Cause no one around you understands
Or has the slightest idea what it is that makes you be
I find people whom have known me for periods of time, yet seem to so completely not "get" me, or what it is I live for... It's like no one knows me, or the true me, at any rate. Everyone chooses to believe whatever anyone else says, and simply disregard my existence, except to antagonize me as the "bad guy" in whatever new fear their minds have developed.
Have you ever felt like there was more
Like someone else was keeping score
And what could make you whole was simply out of reach
Yet, even identifying all of this, and disregarding the obviously bad, or stupid things, I still feel uneasy. I still feel like something is missing, like the piece that will bring me in tune with the world around me, is and forever will be out of my reach. I cannot attune with my world, and so I am never truly of it.

What is to become of me...

Ubuntu Forums - View Single Post - HOW-TO: ATI fglrx driver latest version

Ubuntu Forums - View Single Post - HOW-TO: ATI fglrx driver latest version

Chrono Symphonic: Chrono Trigger ReMix Project -

Chrono Symphonic: Chrono Trigger ReMix Project -

Thursday, January 05, 2006

YouTube - Final Form in action

YouTube - Final Form in action

Videos of Kingdom Hearts 2's Sora in action, sporting the Final Form while in combat. Don't watch if you don't want to spoil yourself! ^_^

YouTube - Final Form

YouTube - Final Form

Videos of Kingdom Hearts 2's Sora, sporting the Final Form. Don't watch if you don't want to spoil yourself! ^_^

Monday, January 02, 2006

Main Page - GuildWiki

Main Page - GuildWiki

Nice Guild Wars spot.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

