Sunday, March 20, 2005


Sorry for the title. I use caps a lot at work, so I forget when I have them on. But now that I see it that way, It doesn't look so bad, does it?

My life has been reduced to my cellphone, laptop, work, and girlfriend. That's pretty much it.

Still enjoying the surprising things my cellphone can do, when properly instructed. I even have a mosquito repellant program! And the games are not half bad. No PSP, but no NES either. Besides, the sucky graphics capabilities in most cellphones really force mobile game developers to concentrate on something most other developers have lost: quality.

I'm currently playing Might and Magic, very nice. Also recommend Fantasy Warrior, XIII, both Prince of Persia games, Ancient Empire, Lemonade Tycoon, all Splinter Cell games, Skyforce, and almost anything by Sumea.

On the laptop front, still getting the hang of MIDP 2.0. Very different from 1.0. MIDP is a cellphone programming profile for Java Mobile Edition. Also, I have to start on my writing again, but, one of the advantages of having no fan base is that there's no rush for me to write. ^_^ So, I'll do them whenever I can.

Work sucks, but gets the bills paid. So that's that there.

My girlfriend... well, I'm not allowed to speak of our relationship heer anymore after the last fiasco, but it's all good.

So that's that. Feel free to e-mail.

Ash out.

P.S. Really looking foward to that PSP... *grin*

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