Sunday, January 30, 2005

Another day ends...

Well, that's that for today. Again to sleep late, but, hey!. Wouldn't be me if I didn't.

If I get bored enough I'll post some pics here of me, and some college friends. We'll see how that works out. Now, for a little experiment in logic...

Ok, a few posts back, i mentioned that there's a girl I like. Now, if any of my female friends sees this, they could possibly think that it's her. And effectively, the girl I speak of has the address to this site. BUT what you all don't know is that I've given the addy of this site to many friends, male and female, so I can assure that the person I like has this site's addy, so could possibly be seeing this. But, since many female friends of mine has this site's addy, none of you can be sure who am I referring to. Thus, I hide in a crowd.

By the way, I must admit that I find myself thinking of this girl quite a bit lately. I wonder what she thinks of me...

Guess I'll find out someday, eh?

Good night.

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