Friday, April 24, 2009

Feels nice...

I went to her house on my lunch break. Reheated my food, and sat with her to watch CSI. It's nice to spend time with her, not just romantically, but just as friends. I think that could be one of the problems we had. We spent so much time romantically bound, we never were just friendly.

Hmm, theory: maybe the reason she feels suffocated is because she feels I want her romantically all the time. Maybe we never learned to be friends, so we didn't know any other way to be towards each other.

Maybe now, if we learn to be friends, we can switch between those two behavior sets as our needs dictate. So if she feels suffocated, we can just go to friends, and have fun, and when she needs me emotionally, we can shift to that and fulfill her needs in that aspect as well...


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