Thursday, April 30, 2009


Well, work was ok... saw her at lunch. I bought a Wii game for us to play together, but I messed up, and bought a shooter. She doesn't like shooters...

I felt that she trusted me more then. She didn't hide her computer like she usually does. Though she ignored me by it, seeming to prefer it to me... oh well, baby steps...

After that, back to work. I arranged to work thursday, which is usually my day off, so I could be all friday with her, but I'm afraid she's gonna cancel on me. Dunno why... just a premonition, I guess.

Then I went home to sleep. She ignored my messages, and other chances at contact, and I know she was awake. Am I starting to suffocate her again? I better keep some distance, just in case...

Now I'm in the car, waiting for her to go to college. ~sigh~ I miss her...

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